would be just plain phony. And that's the way TVism does enrich both personalities: hers and his.


I guess that's enough sermonizing for awhile. Let me be sweet for a moment. THINGS I LOVE ABOUT TV'S... the quiet restful seren- ity of Kathy & Vickie. the self assurance of Buff.. the little girl look of Karen.. the bubbling enthusiasm of Gail (Connecticut)..the total acceptance of herself shown by Jessica, Beatrice, Denise (Chic- ago), Norma, Barbara and Helen...the exquisite taste of Anita... Roberta's sense of humor... the biting sarcasm of Gail (NY).. Virginia's dedication... Carol's gentle friendliness... Siobhan's realism... Feli- city's feeling of accomplishment... Irene's and Fiona's femininity.. the eagerness of Debbie, Bobbie, Robin and Lucille... Lucienne's un- selfishness. I could go on and on..you know something? Every single TV I've ever known possesses some wonderful qualities...I guess that's what makes them all likeable...but.. let me be catty once again: I HATE: extreme caution and extreme lack of caution...hairy chests worse than hairy arms (these are bad enough)... TV's who can't have a pix taken without having to lift the hem of the skirt (those gams are not as sensational as you think, gals! and besides, how many "G- G's" have you ever met who will pose like that (nice "GG's" I mean). TV's who simply MUST list in great detail every single garment they happen to be wearing when they sit down to write...(most of us are pretty well acquainted with feminine attire, you know)... TV's who don't give a hoot about their posture, gestures, or walk. (it takes so little effort to at least try!!)..

INTERESTING PEOPLE I'VE RECENTLY MET: Gina and Marietta. Charming TV couple. Marietta is by far the top TV wife I've met.. not just understanding..not just kind tolerance..not just being help- ful.. but she LOVES it! Wouldn't want Gina to change, ever.. absol- utely marvellous! She cooks a terrific goulash.. Gina is indeed lucky and a very realistic TV.. and there's also Wendy.. very nice TV, worth cultivating.. Debbie, ditto..Ingrid, just spent a week with us..out every day.. believes in improving..scored a beautiful TV victory by fooling for an entire evening one of our more experienced sisters. Ingrid passed herself off as a Swedish school teacher recently arrived in the USA. The nearest she's been to Sweden is Brooklyn...every- body had a ball that evening... there's an apartment house in Brooklyn Heights where the superintendent is a TV, two apartments there have been rented to TV's..surprising, isn't it?.. Gloria's Xmas picture just beautiful...and speaking of Xmas.. let me be cheap and use this col- umn to say thanks ever so much, in Marie's name and mine, to the dozens and dozens of friends who sent us cards.. I never got to send a single card out this year.. you see, it happened this way: I had set